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The predecessor of S&V is DC studio (, started at 2010). DC is short for Draco Chan. This name is personalised, but the studio itself is not about Draco. Therefore, this name was changed to S&V from 2013. S&V (S 'n' V) mainly implies Sound and Visual. And it's just a start.
Profit is not the main purpose of this studio. As a business, we wouldn't say no to money. It supports everything in reality. It's also a form of affirmative. However, just like people work hard to earn money, and buy more beautiful stuffs to decorate their life. This studio started with no purpose of profit. The only purposes are about passion, interests and the meaning of our life.

You may contact us via email ([email protected]). We will try to reply you as soon as possible. But due to limited resource, our schedules are fully allocated. Therefore, we may not be able to accept extra jobs offered over Internet. However, we wouldn't want to miss any good opportunity. So please still feel free to contact us with any question you have. We would like to discuss and help you if we can.